Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hey all. A couple shots from yesterday. JP's stress day. He learned that if bartering was an olympic sport, the Chinese would be a shoe in for the gold medal. Armed with a shopping list as long as his arm he went off to do the haggling while Momma kept Aly safe indoors while she exploded with the pox. Yesterday was her toughest day but already today part of her happy self is coming back to life. Not a minute too soon as we're fast approaching departure time. Can't wait!

JP heading off to a day of shopping.

This picture doesn't really do the pox justice. They look a lot worse in person. You really can't touch any part of her body without feeling the bumps. Poor Alyana...


Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh, the poor little sweetheart! I feel so bad for her...and for you! I hope she gets better soooooon!

Tao's Mommy said...

Ohh the poor little tyke!! The one blessing is that she has you and all your love to help her heal quickly!! I have been following along, but am having trouble posting!! Thanks for such a GREAT journey....I have really enjoyed it and it has gone by quickly!! Safe travels home and cant wait to see Bugs with his sister!!